  • 袁正兵1,2,肖清泉1,3+,廖杨芳1,4,房迪1,王善兰1,吴宏仙1,谢泉1,周瑞雪4.Mg2Si薄膜的光敏电阻特性研究[J].低温物理学报,2017,39(5):33-38.    [点击复制]
  • YUAN Zhengbing1,2,XIAO Qingquan1,3,LIAO Yangfang1,4, FANG Di1,WANG Shanlan1,WU Hongxian1,XIE Quan1,ZHOU Ruixue4.Study On Photosensitive Resistance Characteristics of Mg2Si Thin Films[J].LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICAL LETTERS,2017,39(5):33-38.   [点击复制]
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(1 贵州大学大数据与信息工程学院新型光电子材料与技术研究所,贵阳 550025;2 中国科学院苏州纳米技术与纳米仿生研究所器件部,苏州 215123;3 安顺学院航空电子电气与信息网络贵州省高校工程技术研究中心,安顺 561000;4 贵州师范大学物理与电子科学学院,贵阳 550001)
采用磁控溅射技术、退火工艺和丝网印刷技术,在N-Si (111) (ρ>1000 ??cm)衬底上分别溅射厚度为360 nm、400 nm、440 nm、480 nm、520 nm、560 nm的Mg膜,制备一系列Mg2Si薄膜,然后在其上印刷叉指Ag电极、经烧结制备光敏电阻。通过X射线衍射仪(XRD)、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、光谱响应测试系统、半导体器件分析仪和光照响应测试系统对样品的晶体结构、表面形貌、光谱响应、I-V特性以及亮暗电阻进行表征和分析。结果表明:成功制备出单一相Mg2Si薄膜,且在晶面(220)处出现最强衍射峰;随着薄膜厚度增加,样品衍射峰强度先增加后减小,薄膜表面连续性和致密性良好;在波长为900 nm-1200 nm范围内光敏电阻表现出良好的光谱响应特性;光电流强度先增加后减小;Mg膜厚度为480 nm时光电流强度最大。I-V特性始终呈一条直线,表明其间具有良好的欧姆接触;在光强为1 mW/cm2、波长为1100 nm的光照下,亮电阻和暗电阻均随着Mg薄膜厚度增加先减小后增加,Mg薄膜厚度为480 nm时,相应的光敏电阻阻值最小且此时的暗电阻、亮电阻比值为1.43×103,具有较好的灵敏度。
关键词:  磁控溅射 Mg2Si 薄膜 膜厚 光敏电阻
Study On Photosensitive Resistance Characteristics of Mg2Si Thin Films
YUAN Zhengbing1,2,XIAO Qingquan1,3,LIAO Yangfang1,4, FANG Di1,WANG Shanlan1,WU Hongxian1,XIE Quan1,ZHOU Ruixue41,2,3,4
(1 Institute of Advanced Optoelectronic Materials and Technology of College of Big Data and Information Engineering of Guizhou University, Guiyang 550025;2 Key Laboratory of Nanodevices and Applications, Suzhou Institute of Nano-Tech and Nano-Bionics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Suzhou 215123;3 Engineering Center for Avionics Electrical and Information Network of Guizhou Provincial Colleges and Universities, Anshun 561000;4 School of Physics and Electronic Science of Guizhou Normal University, Guiyang 550001)
Mg films with different thicknesses (360 nm, 400 nm, 440 nm, 480 nm, 520 nm and 560 nm) were deposited on N type of Si (111) substrates ( resistivity ρ is above 1000 ??cm) by magnetron sputtering, and the Mg2Si films were obtained by subsequent annealing. The fork finger Ag electrodes were coated on the Mg2Si thin film by silk screen printing, and photosensitive resistors were formed by sintering. The crystal structure, surface morphology, spectral response characteristics, I-V characteristics, bright resistances and dark resistances of the obtained samples were characterized and analyzed by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), spectral response test system, semiconductor device analyzer and light response test system, respectively. The results show that the single-phase Mg2Si thin films are successfully fabricated and Mg2Si(220) diffraction peaks are strong. Increasing the thickness of deposited Mg films, the diffraction peak intensities of the sample first increase and then decrease, and the surfaces of obtained films show good continuity and compactness; In the wavelength range from 900 nm to 1200 nm, the photosensitive resistor shows good spectral response characteristics. The photocurrent intensity reaches the maximum and then decreases, which is the best at 480 nm of the Mg thickness. The I-V characteristics of the samples always keep good linear relationship, which conform the characteristics of the photosensitive resistor and good ohmic contacts. Under the light irradiationwith the intensity of 1 mW/cm2 and the wavelength of 1100 nm, bright resistances and dark resistances increase and then decrease with the increase in the thickness of Mg film. The photosensitive resistors have better sensitivity and the ratio of dark resistance to bright resistance is 1.43×103 when the thickness of Mg film is 480 nm.
Key words:  magnetron sputtering, Mg2Si thin film, film thickness, photosensitive resistor

