  • 黄海,张佳丽,张建江.电流激励下两带单结超导环的电磁性质研究[J].低温物理学报,2018,(1):12-16.    [点击复制]
  • HUANG Hai,ZHANG Jiali,ZHANG Jianjiang.Electromagnetic Properties of Two-Band Single-Junction Superconducting Rings with External Current Source[J].LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICAL LETTERS,2018,(1):12-16.   [点击复制]
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黄海, 张佳丽, 张建江
(华北电力大学 数理学院)
在两带 Ginzburg-Landau 理论基础上, 我们研究了在电流激励情形下两带单结超导环的电磁性质. 两带超导环中可引入的两个超导序参量的相位差满足sine-Gordon 方程, 由该方程的孤立子解我们得到了单个超导结( 微桥结构) 两端相位差与总磁通之间的线性关系. 通过微桥中电流与超导结两端相位差满足的非线性Josephson 方程, 建立了在电流激励下环内磁通与外加电流之间的依赖关系. 我们的分析表明两带超导环中可能产生的孤立子解及分数磁通量子化现象可以通过测量单结超导环中的电磁性质加以验证.
关键词:  两带单结超导环,sine-Gordon 方程, 微桥
Electromagnetic Properties of Two-Band Single-Junction Superconducting Rings with External Current Source
HUANG Hai, ZHANG Jiali, ZHANG Jianjiang
(Departmentof Mathematics and Physics , North China Electric Power University)
Based on two-band Ginzburg-Landau theory, we study the electromagnetic properties of two-band single-junction ( microbridge structure ) superconducting rings with directly connected current source. The phase difference of two superconducting order parameters in the ring satisfies sine-Gordon equation, and from its soliton solution we obtain the linear relation between this phase difference at both ends of the junction and the total magnetic flux in the ring. Then with the Josephson relation in the microbridge, we establish the dependence between the magnetic flux in the superconducting ring and the applied external current. Our analysis shows that the soliton solution and the fractional flux quantization in the two-band superconducting ring can be verified by measuring the electromagnetic properties of this single-junction structure.
Key words:  two-band single-junction superconducting ring, sine-Gordon equation, microbridge

