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贾帆豪,陈姝,郝锐杰,许少文,任伟.钛酸盐ATiO3 钙钛矿的铁电和反铁畸变[J].低温物理学报,2019,(2):88-96. [点击复制]
- JIA Fanhao,CHEN Shu,HAO Ruijie,XU Shaowem,REN Wei.Ferroelectric and Antiferrodistortive Modes of ATiO3 Perovskites[J].LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICAL LETTERS,2019,(2):88-96. [点击复制]
摘要: |
钛酸盐钙钛矿氧化物体系的研究对理解具有铁电极化的功能材料具有非常重要的科学意义.本文对ATiO3(A= Ca,Sr,Ba,Pb,Cd)体系的低温相、结构相变、及其对应的位移模式进行综述.我们着重比较了该体系存在的两类不稳定声子模式,即铁电极化模式(Ferroelectric,FE)和反铁畸变模式(Antiferrodistortive,AFD),在不同体系中所起到的作用.我们举例阐述了晶格失配应变、人工构造超晶格和化学掺杂等方法对这两种模式的调控思路.最后我们给出本文的总结讨论及研究展望. |
关键词: ATiO3 钙钛矿,铁电模,反铁畸变 |
DOI:10.13380/j.ltpl.2019.02.002 |
基金项目: |
Ferroelectric and Antiferrodistortive Modes of ATiO3 Perovskites |
JIA Fanhao, CHEN Shu, HAO Ruijie, XU Shaowem, REN Wei
(International Centre for Quantum and Molecular Structures, Department of Physics, Shanghai University, Shanghai, 20044) |
Abstract: |
ThetitanateATiO3perovskiteoxidesystemshaveprofoundimportanceforunderstandingfunctional ferroelectric materials. This review describes the low temperature phase, structural phase transition and corresponding displacement modes of ATiO3(A=Ca, Sr, Ba, Pb, Cd) systems. The two unstable phonon modes existing in the system, namely the ferroelectric mode (FE )and the antiferrodistortive mode(AFD), are compared and explained in detail. The effects of lattice misfit strain, artificial atomistic superlattice and chemical doping on these two modes are reviewed. Finally, we give our summary discussion and outlook for future research. |
Key words: ATiO3 perovskite, Ferroelectric mode, Antiferrodistortive mode |