  • 张一頔,苏润丰,陈健,吴培亨.微波与热偏置下超导 HEB 太赫兹直接检测器的性能比较[J].低温物理学报,2019,(2):123-128.    [点击复制]
  • ZHANG Yidi,SU Runfeng,CHEN Jian,WU Peiheng.Superconducting HEB Terahertz Direct Detector with Microwave and Thermal Biasing[J].LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICAL LETTERS,2019,(2):123-128.   [点击复制]
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微波与热偏置下超导 HEB 太赫兹直接检测器的性能比较
张一頔, 苏润丰, 陈健, 吴培亨
(南京大学 超导电子学研究所, 江苏 南京210023)
本文介绍了一种基于超导氮化铌(NbN)热电子测辐射热计(HEB)的太赫兹(THz) 直接检测器, 并利用直流读出法和微波反射读出法, 对微波与热偏置下 HEB 直接检测器的性能进行了比较. 通过直流读出法, 在最佳工作点处, 测得微波偏置与热偏置条件下检测器的电流响应率分别为244 A/W 和20 A/W, 光学噪声等效功率(NEP )分别为4.5 pW/√ Hz 和6.8 pW/√ Hz. 相比于热偏置, 微波偏置能够大大提高检测器的响应率. 此外, 我们利用微波反射读出法对微波偏置和热偏置下检测器的性能进行了比较. 两种读出方式均可很好的表征检测器的性能, 而相比于直流读出法, 微波反射读出法更易于扩展到多像素阵列, 同时具有很快的读出速度, 对快速 THz 脉冲信号的检测具有重要意义.
关键词:  太赫兹, 超导热电子测辐射热计, 噪声等效功率, 热偏置, 微波偏置
Superconducting HEB Terahertz Direct Detector with Microwave and Thermal Biasing
ZHANG Yidi, SU Runfeng, CHEN Jian, WU Peiheng
(Research Institute of Superconducting Electronics ,Nanjing University ,Nanjing ,210023)
A THz direct detector based on superconducting niobium nitride (NbN) hot electron bolometers(HEB) is introduced in this paper. The performance of HEB direct detector with microwave and thermal biasing is compared by using direct current readout method and microwave reflection readout method. Current responsivity and optical noise equivalent power (NEP) have been measured and compared respectively under thermal biasing and microwave biasing with direct current readout method. At the optimal operating point, the detectors with microwave biasing and thermal biasing have an optical responsivity of 244 A/W and 20 A/W. Using microwave biasing, 4. 5 pW/√ Hz of NEP can be obtained by choosing 0. 3 GHz microwave frequency. In addition, we compare the performance of microwave biasing and thermal biasing by microwave reflection readout method. Both readout methods can well characterize the performance of superconducting HEB. Compared with direct current readout method, this method allows easy expansion to multi-pixel array, and at the same time, it can operate with very high speed, which is important for fast THz pulse detection.
Key words:  terahertz (THz) , superconducting hot electron bolometer, noise equivalent power, microwave biasing, thermal biasing

