  • 汪垒,刘惠军.若干In2Se3化合物的晶体结构与电子特性[J].低温物理学报,2019,(4):229-240.    [点击复制]
  • Wang Lei,Liu Huijun.Crystal Structures and Electronic Properties ofSeveralIn2Se3 Compounds[J].LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICAL LETTERS,2019,(4):229-240.   [点击复制]
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汪垒, 刘惠军
(教育部人工微结构重点实验室, 武汉大学物理科学与技术学院, 湖北武汉430072)
In2Se3 是一种常见的 A2IIIB3 VI 型半导体, 在不同温度下可表现出不同的物相, 对应的晶格参数与物理性质也会有所不同. 在过去几十年间,In2Se3 的多相性引起了人们的关注, 各物相的晶体结构被广泛地研究. 近年来,研究发现α-In2Se3 具有优异的光电、压电性能以及独特的铁电性能, 可以预见它将在未来的半导体电子器件中发挥出重要的作用. 本文综述了一系列In2Se3 化合物的晶体结构与电子特性, 我们首先简要介绍了这些In2Se3 化合物的基本知识, 接着详细讨论了它们的晶体结构与电子特性, 最后对In2Se3 化合物的研究前景进行了展望.
关键词:  In2Se3 化合物, 晶体结构, 电子特性
Crystal Structures and Electronic Properties ofSeveralIn2Se3 Compounds
Wang Lei, Liu Huijun
(Key Laboratory of Artificial Micro-and Nano-Structures of Ministryof Education and School of Physics and Technology , Wuhan University , Wuhan 430072, China)
In2Se3 is a kind of A2IIIB3VI-type semiconductor, which can have various crystal structures and physical properties at different temperatures. In the past few decades, the poly-phase character of In2Se3 compounds has attracted great attention from science community. In recent years, it is found that α-In2Se3 have promising photoelectric, piezoelectric and ferroelectric properties which will play an important role in semiconducting electronic devices. This review summarizes the studies of crystal structures and electronic properties of a series of In2Se3 compounds. Firstly, we give a brief introduction of the basic information of In2Se3 . We then focus on their lattice parameters and electronic properties, and the future prospect is given in the end.
Key words:  In2Se3 compounds, crystal structures, electronic properties

