  • 徐志奇,范雨珩,罗映红,金洪涛,潘生雄.磁耦合谐振式超导无线电能传输线圈错动对传输效率的影响仿真[J].低温物理学报,2019,(5):335-340.    [点击复制]
  • XU Zhiqi,FAN Yuheng,LUO Yinghong,JIN Hongtao,PAN Shengxiong.Simulation Efficiency Influence on Coil of Resonant Superconductor Wireless Power Transfer (SUWPT) Displacement[J].LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICAL LETTERS,2019,(5):335-340.   [点击复制]
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徐志奇1, 范雨珩2, 罗映红2, 金洪涛2, 潘生雄2
(1.国网甘肃省电力公司建设分公司(监理公司) , 兰州 730050;2.兰州交通大学自动化与电气工程学院, 兰州 730070)
超导以其低阻抗的特性, 受到了广泛关注和应用. 将超导线圈引入无线电能传输系统中, 能够提升其传输性能. 本文通过有限元仿真软件COMSOL Multiphysics 对超导线圈错动对无线电能传输系统传输性能的影响进行了仿真, 得出超导无线电能传输性能较之传统的在线圈错动时性能更好, 在大功率的使用场合中能更好的适应实际情况, 减少损耗, 提升传输质量, 为超导无线电能传输技术的应用提供了一定的参考依据.
关键词:  无线电能传输, 高温超导, 横向错动, 有限元分析
Simulation Efficiency Influence on Coil of Resonant Superconductor Wireless Power Transfer (SUWPT) Displacement
XU Zhiqi1, FAN Yuheng2, LUO Yinghong2, JIN Hongtao2, PAN Shengxiong2
(1.State frid gansu construction company (supercisioncompany ) ,Lanzhou 730070;2.College of Automation and Electrical Engineering of Lanzhou Jiaotong University , Lanzhou 730070)
Superconductivity has attracted wide attention and application due to its low impedance characteristics. The introduction of superconducting coil into radio power transmission system can improve its transmission performance. Inthis paper, the finite elements imulation software COMSOL Multiphysicsis used to simulatethe influence of superconducting coil misalignment on the transmission performance of radio power transmission system. It is concluded that the performance of superconducting radio power transmissionis better than that of traditional coil misalignment. It can better adapt to the actual situation, reduce losses and improve transmission quality in high power applications. The application of transportation technology provides acertain reference basis.
Key words:  Wireless power transfer, High-Temperature Superconductor, Transverse displacement, Finite elementanalysis

