  • 王恒,金之俭,洪智勇,江俊杰.内封光纤高温超导CORC􀅹缆线电磁特性仿真研究[J].低温物理学报,2021,(6):327-332.    [点击复制]
  • WANG Heng,JIN Zhijian,HONG Zhiyong,JIANG Junjie.Electromagnetic Characteristics Simulation for Optical Fiber Encapsulated High Temperature Superconducting CORC􀅹 Cable[J].LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICAL LETTERS,2021,(6):327-332.   [点击复制]
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王恒, 金之俭, 洪智勇, 江俊杰
(上海交通大学电子信息与电气工程学院, 上海 200240)
内封光纤高温超导 CORC?? (Conductor on Round Core) 缆线在传统 CORC?? 缆线结构的基础上, 将光纤嵌于铜芯骨架内, 不仅能够保持原有集束缆线表面形貌的完整性, 还能通过外置分布式光纤传感解调设备, 实现对缆线失超的快速检测. 然而, 改变缆线结构有可能引起缆线电磁特性发生变化, 继而影响高场磁体的设计与应用. 本文以高温超导CORC?? 缆线为研究对象, 采用有限元仿真技术研究了直流供电的内封光纤CORC?? 缆线在正常运行工况下的电磁场分布特性, 通过对比普通CORC?? 缆线, 分析了内封光纤对CORC?? 缆线电磁性能产生的影响. 研究结果表明, 两种缆线在正常运行工况下的电流密度及磁通密度分布特性较一致, 初步论证了内封光纤高温超导CORC?? 缆线在高场磁体应用的可行性.
关键词:  分布式光纤传感技术, 高温超导 CORC􀅹 缆线, 失超检测, 有限元仿真
Electromagnetic Characteristics Simulation for Optical Fiber Encapsulated High Temperature Superconducting CORC􀅹 Cable
WANG Heng, JIN Zhijian, HONG Zhiyong, JIANG Junjie
(School of electronic information and electrical engineering , Shanghai Jiao Tong University , Shanghai 200240,China)
Optical fiber encapsulated high temperature superconducting ( OFE-HTS) CORC? (Conductor on Round Core) cable embeds the optical fiber in the copper core framework based on the traditional cable structure, can not only maintain the integrity of original cable surface, but also realize the rapid quench detection through the external distributed optical fiber sensing and demodulation equipment. However, changing the cable structure may influence the electromagnetic characteristics of the cable, then affect the application of the high-field magnet. In this paper, electromagnetic field distribution characteristics under normal operating conditions of DC powered OFE-HTS CORC? cable are studied by using finite element simulation technology, and the effect of embedded optical fiber on CORC? cable electromagnetic performance is analyzed by comparing with ordinary CORC? cable. The result shows that the current density and magnetic flux density distribution characteristics of the two cables are consistent under normal operating conditions, and preliminarily demonstrates the OFE-HTS CORC? cable is feasible in the high-field magnet application.
Key words:  Distributed optical fiber senor technology, High temperature superconducting CORC􀅹 cable, Quench detection, Finite element simulation

