  • 赵子锐,马增贤,崔杰,冯峰.超导磁体螺栓结合面低温振动特性研究[J].低温物理学报,2021,(6):364-372.    [点击复制]
  • ZHAO Zirui,MA Zengxian,CUIJie,FENG Feng.Study on Vibration Characteristics under Low Temperature of Bolt Joint Inter face of Superconducting Magnet[J].LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICAL LETTERS,2021,(6):364-372.   [点击复制]
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赵子锐, 马增贤, 崔杰, 冯峰
(清华大学深圳国际研究生院, 广东深圳 518055)
振动特性对于超导磁体的各类工程应用具有重要意义, 螺栓法兰盘连接是超导磁体系统的一种常见的支撑结构类型, 然而螺栓结合面在低温条件下振动特性的相关研究目前尚少见报道. 本研究中设计加工了简化的连接结构, 在室温和液氮温度对其螺栓结合面进行振动特性的测试分析. 接下来, 采用集中质量法进行建模, 并利用振型、 频率与质量矩阵、 刚度矩阵的关系求解了不同螺栓预紧力情况下的刚度矩阵, 得到了系统总刚度和结合面刚度. 使用上述方法对振动测量数据计算发现, 该结构的系统总刚度与结合面刚度都随着预紧力增大而增大, 同时液氮低温条件可使系统总刚度和结合面刚度进一步增大.
关键词:  超导磁体, 螺栓结合面, 振动特性, 液氮温度
Study on Vibration Characteristics under Low Temperature of Bolt Joint Inter face of Superconducting Magnet
ZHAO Zirui, MA Zengxian, CUIJie, FENG Feng
(Shenzhen International Graduate School ,Tsinghua University ,Shenzhen 518055,China)
Vibration characteristics are of great significance to various engineering applications of superconducting magnets. I Jolted flange connection is a common type of support structure for superconducting magnet systems. However, the relevant research on the vibration characteristics of the bolt joint interface under low temperature conditions has been rarely reported. In this study, a simplified connection structure was designed and processed, and the vibration characteristics of the bolt joint interface were tested and analyzed at room temperature and liquid nitrogen temperature. Next, the lumped mass method was used for modeling* and the stiffness matrix under different bolt preloads was solved by the relationship of the mode shape, frequency, mass matrix and stiffness matrix. The total stiffness of the system and the stiffness of the joint interface were obtained. By using the above method to calculate the vibration measurement data, it was found that the total stiffness of the system and the stiffness of the joint interface of the structure increased with the increasing of the preload. At the same time,the low temperature condition of liquid nitrogen could further increase the total stiffness of the system and the stiffness of the joint interface.
Key words:  Superconducting magnet, Bolt joint interface, Vibration characteristics, Liquid nitrogen temperature

