  • 刘妮,贺剑锋,李欢,张华,孙润昌,靳晓堂.电动汽车空调热泵微通道换热器扁管布置方式对制热性能的影响[J].低温物理学报,2022,(4):271-279.    [点击复制]
  • LIU Ni,HEJianfeng,LI Huan,ZHANG Hua,SUN Runchang,JIN Xiaotang.Influence of Flat Tube Arrangement of Microchannel Heat Exchanger for Electric Vehicle Air Conditioning Heat Pump on Heating Performance[J].LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICAL LETTERS,2022,(4):271-279.   [点击复制]
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刘妮1, 贺剑锋1, 李欢1, 张华1, 孙润昌2, 靳晓堂2
(1.上海理工大学能源与动力工程学院, 上海 200093;2.上海北特科技股份有限公司, 上海 201807)
本文针对电动汽车空调热泵系统的室内微通道换热器制热性能进行了研究. 首先对换热器的流程排布进行了优化分析, 得到四流程 12-13-13-12 模型性能最优. 在优化分析的基础上, 实验研究了室内换热器扁管横竖布置方式对单体及系统制热性能的影响. 结果发现在单体实验中, 扁管竖置布置时的内部制冷剂分布均匀度远好于扁管横置布置, 其换热量与出风温度比扁管横置布置分别提高了11 .2% ~16 .5 % 与6 .3% ~8.4% . 系统制热实验结果表明, 扁管横置布置的制冷剂分布均匀度仍小于扁管竖置布置, 且其受压缩机转速影响较大. 而当扁管竖置布置时, 制冷剂分布均匀度随着压缩机转速增大而减小. 而随着室外环境温度的降低, 扁管竖置布置的优势减弱.
关键词:  电动汽车空调, 微通道换热器, 制热性能, 流程排布, 扁管布置方式
Influence of Flat Tube Arrangement of Microchannel Heat Exchanger for Electric Vehicle Air Conditioning Heat Pump on Heating Performance
LIU Ni1, HEJianfeng1, LI Huan1, ZHANG Hua1, SUN Runchang2, JIN Xiaotang2
(1.School of Energy and Power Engineering , University of Shanghai for Science and Technology ,Shanghai 200093 ,China;2.Shanghai Beite Technology Co . Ltd . , Shanghai201807, China)
In this work, the heating performance of the indoor micro-channel heat exchanger of the electric vehicle air-conditioning heat pump system was investigated. First, the process layout of the heat exchanger was optimized and analyzed, and the best performance of the four process 12-13-13-12 model was obtained. On the basis of optimization analysis, the effect of the horizontal and vertical layout of the indoor heat exchanger flat tubes on the heating performance of the unit and the system was experimentally studied. The results showed that the uniformity of the internal refrigerant distribution for the flat tube arranged vertically was much better than that of the flat tube arranged horizontally. Moreover, the heat exchange and outlet air temperature were increased by 11.2%~16.5% and 6.3%~8.4% respectively compared with the horizontal arrangement of the flat tube. The system heating experiment results showed that the refrigerant distribution uniformity of the horizontal arrangement of the flat tube was still less than that of the vertical arrangement of the flat tube, and it was greatly affected by the compressor speed. When the flat tube was arranged vertically, the uniformity of refrigerant distribution decreased as the compressor speed increased. However, as the outdoor environment temperature decreased, the advantage of the refrigerant distribution uniformity for vertical arrangement of the flat tubes was weakened.
Key words:  Electric vehicle air conditioning  Micro-channel heat exchanger  Heating performance  Process arrangement  Flat tube arrangement

