  • 郑文杰,周泽一,朱波,张瑞.WSe2/GeS 异质结的增强光致发光[J].低温物理学报,2023,(3):153-157.    [点击复制]
  • ZHENG Wenjie,ZHOU Zeyi,ZHU Bo,ZHANG Rui.Enhanced Photoluminescence from WSe2/GeS Heterostructure[J].LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICAL LETTERS,2023,(3):153-157.   [点击复制]
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WSe2/GeS 异质结的增强光致发光
郑文杰1, 周泽一1, 朱波1, 张瑞2
(1.安徽大学材料科学与工程学院, 合肥 230601;2.安徽大学物理与光电工程学院, 合肥 230601)
二维半导体材料为纳米尺度的光学性质研究提供了良好的支持. 当将其构筑成异质结时, 界面间的相互作用可以改变原光电性质或产生新的性质, 是二维材料光电子器件功能控制的重要手段. 利用机械剥离法制备WSe2/GeS 异质结, 通过发光光谱研究异质结层间激子的光学性质. 结果表明:p 型 GeS 与弱 n 型 WSe2 构筑成异质结时会产生新的层间激子. 与 GeS 和 WSe2 的荧光发射强度相比, 异质结的层间激子发光强度显著增加. 此研究为设计具有先进光电性能的二维半导体器件提供了思路.
关键词:  二硒化钨, 硫化锗, 异质结, 光致发光
DOI:10.13380/j .ltpl.2023.03.005
Enhanced Photoluminescence from WSe2/GeS Heterostructure
ZHENG Wenjie1, ZHOU Zeyi1, ZHU Bo1, ZHANG Rui2
(1.School of Materials Science and Engineering , Anhui University , Hefei 230601;2.School of Physics and Opto-Electronic Engineering , Anhui University , Hefei 230601)
Two-dimensional semiconducting materials provide an excellent platform for studying optical properties at the nanoscale. Using them to construct heterostructures may lead to changes in the original optical properties or the emergence of novel optoelectronic properties because of the interfacial interactions, which is of great importance to the function control of two-dimensional optoelectronic devices. The heterostructure of WSe2/GeS is fabricated via a mechanical exfoliation method, and the optical properties of interlayer excitons in the heterostructure are investigated by the photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy. It turns out that the interlayer excitons are generated between the p-type GeS and the nearly n-type WSe2. Compared to the fluorescence of GeS and WSe2 , the photon emission of the interlayer excitons in the heterostructure shows a significant increase in the emission intensity. This study provides new insights for designing advanced optoelectronic two-dimensional devices.
Key words:  WSe2 ,GeS, hetero structure, Photoluminescence

