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刘洋, 周雨晨, 李海欧, 郭国平
关键词:  应变锗异质结, 空穴量子点, 泡利自旋阻塞, 自旋轨道耦合
Study of tunable coupling and hole spin blockade based on strained Germanium double quantum dots
Liu Yang, Zhou Yu-Chen, Li Hai-Ou, Guo Guo-Ping
Strained Germanium hole quantum dots are one of the most promising platforms for realizing large-scale quantum computing. Since holes in germanium are not affected by hyperfine interaction, they have long spin relaxation time and quantum decoherence time. At the same time, the strong intrinsic spin-orbit coupling in germanium and the low effective mass of hole carriers enable all-electric field manipulation of hole spin qubit, which greatly reduces the fabrication difficulty of the quantum dot devices and increases the scalability of semiconductor quantum dots. In this paper, we introduce a method of fabricating overlapping gate hole double quantum dot devices in strain germanium heterostructure, as well as the measurement of strain germanium heterostructure properties, the fabrication of hole double quantum dot devices, the study of single quantum dot and double quantum dots transport properties, the study of tunability of double quantum dot coupling, the study of leakage current properties when external magnetic field exists and the lift mechanism of Pauli spin blockade. Our work provides an experimental platform and basic parameters for the realization of high-quality spin qubit preparation and high-fidelity quantum logic gate manipulation in the future.
Key words:  Strained Germanium Heterostructure, Hole Quantum Dot, Pauli Spin Blockade, Spin-orbital Coupling

